City Year is an AmeriCorps Program that assists underserved schools with students' attendance, behavior, and course comprehension. The program focuses on supporting students by assisting with homework, leading social-emotional learning (SEL) activities, and encouraging consistent attendance.
Small Group Support
Worked in groups of 2-5 students
Curated lesson plans
Set goals for individual students
Classroom Support
Partnered with 7th grade math classroom
Instructed students in math concept
Co-managed classroom virtually and in-person
Whole School Support
Developed curriculum with teammates for a diverse set of morning programming
Co-hosted Lunch with City Year during virtual school days
During the year, City Year Tulsa prompted each school team to take a look at issues in their schools and make incremental and measurable changes to improve the student experience at each of the 10 partner school in Tulsa Public Schools.
We followed a process, similar to design thinking, called the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Cycle. The team at East Central Junior High School focused on Care & Connect - a tutoring program that offered help to students during virtual learning during COVID-19. We explored ideas on how to engage students during these full-day tutoring sessions. After the transition back to in-person learning led to less students attending Care & Connect, we focused our Change Idea on offering morning programming to students to fill in gaps in tutoring, social-emotional learning, and school community.
See our final presentation video here.
Stack of Name Tags (first prototype)
A representative from each City Year school team is chosen to serve as the Wellspring Representative. We sent out surveys, known as wellness checks, to check in on all AmeriCorps Members monthly. The goal was to better understand the entire site’s experience and find ways to improve it. All representatives attended monthly meetings to brainstorm solutions and share findings with the entire site.
Analyzed survey data from Wellness Checks
Find trends among my teammates at East Central Junior High
Hosted events or workshops that help my school team improve professionally and personally
The first Wellness Activity, for example, addressed the issue of not feeling connected to the Tulsa community by having team members share places they've been or things they have done in the Oklahoma area.
Each January, City Year honors the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. by hosting a “day on,” rather than a day off. All 29 sites across the country participate in MLK Day as a National Day of Service. On MLK Day 2021, I helped paint bathroom stalls in the upstairs girls’ restroom with encouraging messages that brightened the space.