Scope: Engaging top-level executives with creating kits for holidays meals for families in Orlando
My Role: Event Runner
Handwritten Holiday Greeting Cards
Dry mix “cookie-in-a-jar” Kits
Activity Books and Recipe Card Books
240 Thanksgiving Meal Kits
Prior to arriving to Orlando, I coordinated the shipment and purchasing of all food items for the Meal Kits. This included communicating with representatives from Costco and U-Line and setting a shopping schedule for items bought on-site.
In the 60-minute event, 120 volunteers from Aramark worked in teams to simultaneously craft greeting cards, cookie-in-a-jars, activity books, and recipe card books. At the end of the crafting portion, volunteers packed 14 crafts, nonperishable foods, and a Publix gift card in 240 tote bags.